bird & egg

By Karen Frances Eng


creature hovering over a spring in space, enclosed in a bubble of bubbles // The day after the paintoff, I read a passage describing a bird struggling out of an egg or globe – a symbol associated with a god called Abraxas. As soon as I read this I felt a jolt of recognition that that's what I'd painted.

I often take to TiltBrush to create oases for myself. On the one hand, during this last year of lockdown, I long to be immersed nature, and on the other hand, I want to be as far away from Earth and its problems as possible. I used the colors of earth and water to celebrate all the vibrance we have here, and otherworldly colors for the alien creature - perhaps a primordial ancestor - and the landscape it occupies. The effect I hoped to convey was a combination of welcoming, lush, familiar, yet far away from where we are now. - oculardelusion #tiltbrushpaintoff2021